Simply cut an Apple into thin slices, dip in melted chocolate and decorate with sprinkles.
The apple is healthy, and chocolate–if it is dark chocolate–is healthy:
When most of us think of chocolate we know that while it may be fun to eat, that it can also make us fatter than we are today. Chocolate is not considered a food that you should eat while you’re dieting as it’s usually rich in sugar and calories.
Surprisingly, though, dark chocolate is a different story. Most people don’t know about the many health benefits of dark chocolate and they should because it can prove to be a blessed addition to any weight loss process. Yes, I said weight loss.
Not every product which has “Dark Chocolate” printed on the cover really deserves that name. As most chocolates are filled with added sugar, you want to make sure that what you’re eating will have a high dose of cocoa which is what makes dark chocolate healthy. A good rule of thumb would be to eat anything with 70% cocoa content or more. I usually go for 85% but most people find that to be too bitter. 70% should be enough and will still contain a lot of sweetness.
We all know how hard it is to stick to a diet plan and be deprived of anything sweet. This is where darker chocolate can actually help you lose weight. Being as healthy as it is, which we will get into in a moment, and rather low in sugar, it can help you satisfy your sweet tooth without filling you with empty calories and sugar. This can help you stick to your diet plan for longer and lose more weight in the long run.
But this isn’t the end of the benefits of dark chocolate. It gets much better than this. You see, dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, powerful antioxidants which help your body destroy free radicals.
Free radicals are nasty little molecules which circle around in your body and attack your cells from within. They’re destructive, potentially hazardous, and accelerate the aging process. Antioxidants are your best allies in the fight against these free radicals and dark chocolate if full of them.
The problem with milk chocolate is that it seems that milk interrupts how the body digests antioxidants, so you’re not only getting tons of sugar but not enjoying the benefits either.
In addition, dark chocolate has been shown to act as an effective stress reducer. It basically helps you alleviate tension and induces a feeling of well-being. Naturally, this is something which can also lead to a sort of addiction, but as long as you eat it in moderation, the stress reduction effect can prove to be very beneficial.
Most people don’t know, but stress can lead to an increase in abdominal fat. This means that dark chocolate can actually help you lose belly fat. Surprising, right?
Naturally, this article is not an invitation to stuff yourself silly with chocolate. You shouldn’t overdo things. However, a small bar here and there can do little harm and much good.
To learn how to lose belly fat fast, go to How to Burn Belly Fat Fast.
To learn more about why chocolate is healthy go here: Healthy Benefits of Dark Chocolate.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.
DIY Chocolate Apple Sprinkles Snack
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